About me

Hey there, I’d like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit of the background story on why I became a Doula and how I started Births at Home.

My name is Esmeralda Carrillo. I am a 28 year old wife and mama. I married my high school sweetheart in 2018, together we have a 4 year old son, 2 and 1 year old daughters.

My first labor with my son was very long, hard, and filled with uninformed consent. After the experience I knew that I needed to do something different for my future births. With my second pregnancy I hired a Doula as soon as I got the positive test. She taught me so much in such a short amount of time and truly inspired me to become a Doula myself.

I took an online training during my maternity leave and became a Certified Holistic Birthkeeper and Doula. I was ready to serve my community and support mamas in their births! Then after supporting births in different settings (hospital vs home) I came to the realization that I had a special place in my heart for home births and decided to only serve woman planning for a homebirth! 

I also felt the pull to somehow serve and reach more woman who were planning homebirths than just those in my local area. I wanted to make every homebirth mama feel empowered in their choice! Which is exactly how Births at Home was created!


Now my goal is to simply empower homebirth mamas and to normalize “Births at Home”!